Monthly Archives: June 2017

Airlines & Gender-Based Seat Changes: Can a Mere Request Be Discriminatory?

The story below is about a court decision forbidding an airline from asking female passengers to move in order to accommodate the religious beliefs / cultural practices of other (Orthodox Jewish male) passengers. Questions for the class: 1) If discrimination

Airlines & Gender-Based Seat Changes: Can a Mere Request Be Discriminatory?

The story below is about a court decision forbidding an airline from asking female passengers to move in order to accommodate the religious beliefs / cultural practices of other (Orthodox Jewish male) passengers. Questions for the class: 1) If discrimination

“4×4” Lumber Not Actually 4×4: False Advertising or Deliberately Obtuse Customer-Plaintiff?

False advertising is legally actionable because it impairs the buyer’s ability to make a rational purchasing decision. But do all literally false statements about material features of a product contained in an advertisement work to impair the purchasing decision? The

“4×4” Lumber Not Actually 4×4: False Advertising or Deliberately Obtuse Customer-Plaintiff?

False advertising is legally actionable because it impairs the buyer’s ability to make a rational purchasing decision. But do all literally false statements about material features of a product contained in an advertisement work to impair the purchasing decision? The

The Moral Responsibility of Firms

In the podcast (with transcript) linked below, Wharton professors Eric Orts and Amy Sepinwall discuss their new book The Moral Responsibility of Firms. >>> LINK: Can Corporations Be Held Morally Responsible? (by Eric Orts and Amy Sepinwall, interviewed for Knowledge@Wharton)

The Moral Responsibility of Firms

In the podcast (with transcript) linked below, Wharton professors Eric Orts and Amy Sepinwall discuss their new book The Moral Responsibility of Firms. >>> LINK: Can Corporations Be Held Morally Responsible? (by Eric Orts and Amy Sepinwall, interviewed for Knowledge@Wharton)

Whole Foods and Pseudoscience

From its worship of all things organic, to its aisles full of homeopathic and naturopathic remedies, Whole Foods Market is easily the most high-profile purveyor of pseudo-science in America today. The chain makes a lot of money (US$12.9 billion in

Whole Foods and Pseudoscience

From its worship of all things organic, to its aisles full of homeopathic and naturopathic remedies, Whole Foods Market is easily the most high-profile purveyor of pseudo-science in America today. The chain makes a lot of money (US$12.9 billion in

Amazon Patents Price Comparison Blocking Over WiFi

Should a bricks-and-mortar retailer be able to interfere with your ability to comparison shop over a wireless network? Hot on the heels of news of Amazon’s impending Whole Foods acquisition, the New York Post reports Amazon has secured a patent

Amazon Patents Price Comparison Blocking Over WiFi

Should a bricks-and-mortar retailer be able to interfere with your ability to comparison shop over a wireless network? Hot on the heels of news of Amazon’s impending Whole Foods acquisition, the New York Post reports Amazon has secured a patent

Why Justice Matters for Business Ethics

In the short scholarly article linked below, Smith offers a commentary on Abraham Singer’s 2016 paper, “Justice Failure: Efficiency and Equality in Business Ethics.” >>> LINK: Why Justice Matters for Business Ethics (by Jeffery Smith for Business Ethics Journal Review

Why Justice Matters for Business Ethics

In the short scholarly article linked below, Smith offers a commentary on Abraham Singer’s 2016 paper, “Justice Failure: Efficiency and Equality in Business Ethics.” >>> LINK: Why Justice Matters for Business Ethics (by Jeffery Smith for Business Ethics Journal Review

Does CSR Kill Profits?

This item reports on an academic study the conclusion of which is that CSR activities are negatively correlated with profits. Of course, it’s just a single study. 3 questions arise: 1) Is the finding robust? (i.e., is it likely true?)

Does CSR Kill Profits?

This item reports on an academic study the conclusion of which is that CSR activities are negatively correlated with profits. Of course, it’s just a single study. 3 questions arise: 1) Is the finding robust? (i.e., is it likely true?)

The Justice of Corporate Governance

In the short scholarly article linked below, Welch and Ly offer commentary on Abraham Singer’s 2015 paper, “There Is No Rawlsian Theory of Corporate Governance.” >>> LINK: Rawls on the Justice of Corporate Governance (by Theodora Welch and Minh Ly

The Justice of Corporate Governance

In the short scholarly article linked below, Welch and Ly offer commentary on Abraham Singer’s 2015 paper, “There Is No Rawlsian Theory of Corporate Governance.” >>> LINK: Rawls on the Justice of Corporate Governance (by Theodora Welch and Minh Ly

Ethics Lapses and CEO Turnover

Does ethical behaviour lead to CEOs getting sacked? The study below suggests a trend in that direction. But some caution is warranted here, both with regard to the headline and the substance of the study. Ethical lapses aren’t always the

Ethics Lapses and CEO Turnover

Does ethical behaviour lead to CEOs getting sacked? The study below suggests a trend in that direction. But some caution is warranted here, both with regard to the headline and the substance of the study. Ethical lapses aren’t always the