Essay Topics: Business Ethics & CSR

study-921885_640Are you a student looking for an essay topic to write on, related to either business ethics or Corporate Social Responsibility? Are you an instructor looking for a topic to assign your class? Check out this list, each of which is accompanied by a link to a news item that will help.

1. Can one business make a difference to a global problem? (See, for example: Fast Food and Animal Rights)

2. If there’s no contract, does a promise matter? (See, for example: Unethical Recruitment Practices of College Football Teams)

3. Is raising the minimum wage a good idea? (See, for example: Stories about minimum wage ethics)

4. Is it ethically OK to violate private property in order to reduce suffering? (See, for example: Law Forbids Secret Videos of Factory Farms)

5. Is equal pay for equal work always necessary, ethically? (See, for example: stories about equal pay and ethics)

6. Are companies ethically to blame when customers misuse their products? (See, for example: Are Companies Responsible for Misuse of Products? )

7. Is it OK to sell a product when you can’t prove that it works? (See, for example: Ethics of Commerce in Alternative Medicine)

8. Are there some things that simply should not be bought or sold? (See, for example: Does Paying for a Baby Symbolize Disrespect, or Embody it?)

9. Is child labour always wrong? (See, for example: Nestlé Sued Over Child Labour and child labour in Bolivia)

10. Whistleblowers: heroes or disloyal employees? (See, for example: Whistleblowers: Alone vs the System)

11. Is Uber a good or bad thing, overall? (See, for example: stories about Uber and ethics.)

12. Is misleading advertising unethical? (See, for example: Misleading Headlines About Misleading Advertising: “Dog” Fur Pom Poms on Hats)

13. Do ethics classes make people more ethical? (See, for example: Does Teaching Ethics Improve Ethics?)

14. Is capitalism a force for good or evil? (See, for example: Don’t blame capitalism.)

15. Why is trust important in modern economies? (See, for example: the Value of Trust.)

Need more ideas? Check out “More Essay Ideas: Ethics and CSR”

See also:
Student’s Guide to Writing Critical Essays in Business Ethics
How Instructors Can Use Business Ethics Highlights in Class
How Students Can Use Business Ethics Highlights
The Concise Encyclopedia of Business Ethics