Indiana, Religion, and the Virtues of Commerce

business_ethics_highlights_2This blog entry suggests that Indiana’s new law encourages not just discrimination, but an illiberal violation of the virtues that make capitalism work. >>>

Indiana, Commerce, and the Ethics of Tolerance

Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) has not been popular. Critics (such as Apple CEO Tim Cook) worry that it will be used to allow businesses to discriminate based on sexual orientation. More precisely, the new law limits the ability to use legal mechanisms to restrict the freedom to exercise one’s religion, including the exercise of one’s religion while engaging commerce. The “standard” example: if the baker’s religion says homosexuality is a sin, then under the RFRA no one can force the baker to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple.

It’s easy to miss a couple of key distinctions, here…..

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  1. Pingback: Walmart Against Arkansas Religious Freedom Bill | Business Ethics Highlights

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