Human Rights Museum Censored Gay Content for Some Visitors

There’s an old saying that “the customer is always right.” What about when the customer asks you to violate your core mission? That’s the choice faced by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, when it was asked by certain church groups that visited the museum that they cover up exhibits with gay content. Now, covering up such content isn’t itself a human rights violation, but critics can be forgiven for seeing a certain irony here: this museum exists in part to highlight past & ongoing discrimination, and then succumbed to requests to bury discussion of it.


LINK: Canadian Museum for Human Rights employees say they were told to censor gay content for certain guests (by Austin Grabish for CBC)

Current and former employees of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg say its management would sometimes ask staff not to show any gay content on tours at the request of certain guests, including religious school groups.

The employees say the practice was common for at least two years and in one case a staff member from the LGBT community was asked to physically block a same-sex marriage display from a passing group.

“When I complained about it, [management said], ‘Well, that’s what we request and we have to honour the requests from the schools because they pay us for those tours,’ ” said Gabriela Agüero, a former program developer and tour guide.

“It was horrendous because then I had to go sit with my gay friends on staff and tell them I did that. It was a horrific sense of guilt and very painful.” ….

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